Saturday, June 30, 2007


Cash Have you ever made any donations? I think it's noble when people give their money away to charity, healtcare, etc. So recently I made a donation. I responded to a letter and transferred some money. They're happy, I'm happy. Simple as that. But a few weeks later I found out they were not happy. Yet... Since my donation I am being spammed with all sorts of request. Cancer foundation, Heart foundation, Save the forest, Save the whales, Save us. Litteraly every week I receive two or more requests. And before my donation? Nothing. It probably works like this: "We have no phonebooks. We have no addresses of possible donators. We only have a file with people who gave us money before. Hmm... what to do? Eureka! We'll send them another request!" And charity funds exchange addresses of donators to expand their databases. Or it is just one big database. I repeat: charity is a good thing. But this is not. I am willing to give money. But not to all of them. Not because I think their cause is not good enough, but just because I do not want to. So, go contact some of those hidden treasures!

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