Friday, July 20, 2007

Mobile Wedding Service

Today I saw a van passing by on the A4 highway. It had text written on it's side: Mobile Wedding Service. Wow! I thought. How can you get married in one of those things (the van wasn't that big). Or how does it work? Can you get married anywhere you like? Do they come to your house? My imagination fired up...

Until I saw the actual text on the side. Then I realised I had misread it. Mobile Welding Service is a whole different thing.

What would you expect from a Mobile Wedding Service? Well take a guess... It does exist!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Big party

Yesterday we had Romeo's party. And it was a big one! We had invited over 60 people. Due to holidays and illness not everybody could come, but eventually about 50 people turned up! And that is quite a lot for our small house! Neighbours, family, friends, people we hadn't seen in months (sometimes even years). All came. Weatherforecasts for sunday were good at the start of the week (we expected the worst, remember this?) but on saturday our luck changed. A 50% chance of rain and thunder and extremely warm and damp. We had made preparations for everything but rainprotection. So in a hurry we installed a big screen. Some ten minutes later water came down as if someone had openend a huge shower over Alphen. I went out to borrow an umbrella and placed it in the backyard. Just before the first guests arrived at 1 o'clock the rain stopped and a little sunlight came through the black clouds. From then on it stayed mostly dry. Everybody ate cake, drank coffee and whine and beer. Then bosnian specialty cevapcici were handed out. My dad, a friend and I fired up the grill and bbq'ed saté, shaslicks, fish and shrimp. A grand feast! :-) Romeo had a great time but was - what a surprise - extremely tired. He could not sleep in the afternoon. And he could not sleep in the evening. So he went to bed around 11 o'clock... One year old and already a latesleeper :-).

Romeo = 1

Romeo had his birthday last thursday (12th of july). He turned 1! We celebrated it in style: we sang for him in the morning (he loved it) and gave him presents. One of his presents is a huge talking Nijntje (Miffy). Then we took him downstairs where we had decorated the whole living room with serpentines and a lot of balloons. He loves balloons and did not know where to look when he saw them. :-). After a lunch in Alphen centre and an afternoon sleep his grandparents visited us. The day ended with a diner in the local "pancakefarm" with Tina's parents. Romeo had a pancake with raisins, banana and apple. The guy can eat! We all went home well fed and put the guy in bed. It took some time but eventually he fell asleep around nine. A succesful first birthday with still a big party to come!