Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Water down the hole

Summer in Holland comes in showers these days. We hardly see any sun and rain poors down like in an East European winter. Not so long ago we bought a small hundred year old house in the centre of Alphen aan den Rijn. And last friday and yesterday water came into our house... The ceiling in Romeo's room was wet and brown and a lot of water had fallen on the new wooden floor. Bad luck. Thank god we could contact a very nice guy from a roof repair service who came early this morning to fix it. It turned out the drainpipe was jammed with dirt and that the pipe was not constructed properly. So during heavy rain the roof floods and water gets around the pipe, under the roof and into our house (more specific: Romeo's room, just above his bed). The fixer fixed it in a jiffy. Weather forecast for today: 90% rain, wet, dark, depressing. So let's hope the fix lasts!

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