Saturday, June 30, 2007

Alphen for capital

AlphenWe live in Alphen aan den Rijn. A place in the middle of Het Groene Hart (The Green Heart). Some 30 kilometres from both Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Rotterdam. Ideal huh? Too bad it is such a dull place... Today Romeo and I went shopping on the market. It's nice, we do it every week. Every now and then a city committee of some sort invites artists to entertain shoppers. Just to give Alphen that "real European city feeling". This week a drumband with flag wavers from Belgium were performing. I could not really find out the purpose of their doings. And neither could they, I could tell that by the look on their faces... They walk with their flags waving not caring for people in the crowd being hit by the enormous flagposts and stop after a few paces. Drummers hit the drums, the group turns around and the whole party walks back to where they had begun. Some ten minutes later we saw a fanfare will old people dressed up as frogs. Playing drums, tuba, trombone. The works. The things frogs normally only do when they are really really drunk. Funny to look at, but again we missed the point. That's the whole problem with this city. They try a lot, but seemingly without any real purpose. Get some thought into it lads!

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